
Showing posts from February, 2021


As you may or may not know, we have been connected to a wonderful ministry called Prayer Walk America. (please check out their ministry at:  ) John and Sandy Halvorsen are dear friends of mine, and a little while after they started their prayer walk in Miami, an attack of the enemy came against John. He has contracted Covid. We know that the enemy does not want this assignment to go forth, so we see it purely as an attack against this assignment! We ask that you lift up John and Sandy Halvorsen and Prayer Walk America, and spend time praying in the Spirit over them. Much prayer through many of us produces much power! The spirit of prayer and the spirit of faith together are dynamite! They work as dynamite for the kingdom of God and for His advancements in the earth. Please check out my latest blog ( LMI Blog:  ⚡️ THE EKKLESIA - THE RESTRAINING FORCE! ⚡️  Part 1 ).    The emphasis is that we are the EKKLESIA of God, the RES...


  THE VICTORY OF THE GLORY! The increase of HIS LIGHT, HIS GLORY, and HIS POWER exposes the works of darkness, the evil deeds of darkness, the evil doers of darkness, and scatters them and REIGNS AND RAINS VICTORY OVER them!!! Selah...  -Helen Utegaard 

Praying in tongues should...


Born from Heaven itself...


Why does God increase revelation?


God can direct a moving ship...


The Ministry of Prayer...


We are of Heaven!


We have to battle...



  WOW!!!  SO GLAD God didn’t do His miracles based on man’s ways, calendar, or according to the “natural” course of things in this earth! Wait!!! The sun was stopped for an entire day till Joshua won the battle??? WAIT!!! The sun moved backwards 10 minutes to prove the Word of the Lord to Hezekiah! WAIT!!! Fire falling from Heaven consuming a water-soaked sacrifice according to the Word of the prophet?!!! WAIT!!! Jesus waited till Lazarus’ body started decomposing and after the third day He raised him from the dead!!! WAIT!!! God opened the Red Sea for the children of Israel and closed it up just in time to destroy Pharoah’s army?!!! WAIT!!! The oil and meal had run OUT and then multiplied according to the WORD OF THE PROPHET!!! AND WAIT!!! It’s our God we are talking about, and there’s more! READ YOUR BIBLE like a true believer and not a religious one! And you say God didn’t hear the prayers of thousands and thousands and millions and millions of Christians in this nation ...

We are not to war against flesh and blood...

  We are not to war against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness… So do not forget we have the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit in us and it is greater than all of the devils and demons and forces of hell out there  operating against God, His people, the Church, and Israel. Yielding to emotional anger, reasoning, or the arm of the flesh will not produce the breakthrough - the victory that only the Holy Spirit can bring. The enemy comes to provoke you and I to anger, but most of all, to coming out of the place called “the spirit” so that we would operate in a powerless position. Righteous indignation is true and good because that is from God - to hate what He hates and love what He loves.  But, to take things in your own hands and do things your own way is to step out of God, out of His Spirit which will not produce the fruit of the kingdom. Stay filled with faith, rest IN THE WORD OF GOD, and THAT INCLUDES HIS PROPHETIC WORDS, and WORK, WORK, WORK...

Spirit-filled or Spirit-less...


As a Spirit-filled believer...


Dominion Mandate...


Holy Spirit is drawing...


We Are the Church...


Prophets Speaking the Same Thing - Johnny Enlow

Prophets speaking the same thing...Will you stand? -Helen Utegaard Johnny Enlow: Promises That Make You Stagger!

Prophets Speaking the Same Thing - Donna Rigney

 Prophets speaking the same thing...Will you stand? -Helen Utegaard Donna Rigney: It's Always Darkest Before Dawn!

Prophets Speaking the Same Thing - Nathan French

Prophets speaking the same thing...Will you stand? -Helen Utegaard Nathan French: Hearing God and Following Him