As you may or may not know, we have been connected to a wonderful ministry called Prayer Walk America.

(please check out their ministry at: https://www.prayerwalkamerica.com )

John and Sandy Halvorsen are dear friends of mine, and a little while after they started their prayer walk in Miami, an attack of the enemy came against John. He has contracted Covid. We know that the enemy does not want this assignment to go forth, so we see it purely as an attack against this assignment! We ask that you lift up John and Sandy Halvorsen and Prayer Walk America, and spend time praying in the Spirit over them. Much prayer through many of us produces much power! The spirit of prayer and the spirit of faith together are dynamite! They work as dynamite for the kingdom of God and for His advancements in the earth.

Please check out my latest blog (LMI Blog: ⚡️THE EKKLESIA - THE RESTRAINING FORCE!⚡️ Part 1).  The emphasis is that we are the EKKLESIA of God, the RESTRAINING FORCE of God in the earth, and if we do not use our authority and pray to release the workings of the Holy Spirit, the enemy will not be stopped, whether it is in peoples lives or in a city or in a nation. The EKKLESIA, the governing, praying Church, is the mightiest force of God in the earth! 

Blessings to you all, I’ll keep you updated. 

Helen Utegaard 

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