WOW!!!  SO GLAD God didn’t do His miracles based on man’s ways, calendar, or according to the “natural” course of things in this earth!


The sun was stopped for an entire day till Joshua won the battle???


The sun moved backwards 10 minutes to prove the Word of the Lord to Hezekiah!


Fire falling from Heaven consuming a water-soaked sacrifice according to the Word of the prophet?!!!


Jesus waited till Lazarus’ body started decomposing and after the third day He raised him from the dead!!!


God opened the Red Sea for the children of Israel and closed it up just in time to destroy Pharoah’s army?!!!


The oil and meal had run OUT and then multiplied according to the WORD OF THE PROPHET!!!


It’s our God we are talking about, and there’s more! READ YOUR BIBLE like a true believer and not a religious one!

And you say God didn’t hear the prayers of thousands and thousands and millions and millions of Christians in this nation and around the world and can’t DO HIS MIRACLE WORD?!!!

It ain’t over folks, if you believe in God, His move, His miracle!!! We are to have faith in a supernatural God that knows how to supernaturally do anything HE wants!  

The prayers are still working in the realm of the Spirit, and the angel armies of God have responded to those prayers and are working a work and working the plan of God even now!!!

Have faith!

Stay in faith! Pray and decree the Word of the Lord! 

The thief shall be found out and God knows how to deal with “the enemies of God!” 

He kicked them out of heaven a long, long time ago! And He still knows how to kick them out!!

Be a believing one, not a doubting one, until you see the WORD of the Lord FULFILLED AND MANIFESTED!!

~Helen Utegaard

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