We are not to war against flesh and blood...


We are not to war against flesh and blood but against spiritual wickedness… So do not forget we have the anointing and the power of the Holy Spirit in us and it is greater than all of the devils and demons and forces of hell out there  operating against God, His people, the Church, and Israel.

Yielding to emotional anger, reasoning, or the arm of the flesh will not produce the breakthrough - the victory that only the Holy Spirit can bring. The enemy comes to provoke you and I to anger, but most of all, to coming out of the place called “the spirit” so that we would operate in a powerless position. Righteous indignation is true and good because that is from God - to hate what He hates and love what He loves.  But, to take things in your own hands and do things your own way is to step out of God, out of His Spirit which will not produce the fruit of the kingdom. Stay filled with faith, rest IN THE WORD OF GOD, and THAT INCLUDES HIS PROPHETIC WORDS, and WORK, WORK, WORK IN THE SPIRIT... Praying in the Spirit and decreeing His Words IN AND BY THE POWER OF THE SPIRIT! Speak truth, speak light, and don’t fall into the works of the flesh! WE WILL SEE HIS WORD PREVAIL! Come on Church, come on Remnant! Rise up in the power of His might in the Holy Spirit!

-Helen Utegaard

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