As we have stood fast, PRAYED, DECREED, DECLARED, releasing FAITH, we believe ALL THAT GOD HAS SPOKEN has been done! We continue in STEADFAST, UNWAVERING FAITH FOR AMERICA! IN JESUS' MIGHTY NAME! -Helen Utegaard Tim Sheets: "Today is the last day of our 54 Days of Change! We decree Isaiah 55:11 (MSG), “So will the words that come out of my mouth not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do, they’ll complete the assignment I gave them." We declare, Father, all of the words, visions, dreams and prophecies will accomplish their assignment! We commit these days of change to You, and as we step into the remaining months of 2022 we pledge to trust You, honor You, seek You, abide in You, and follow You. Jesus, write us into Your story. “May God, who puts all things together, makes all things whole, who made a lasting mark through the sacrifice of Jesus, the sacrifice of blood that sealed the eternal covenant, who led Jesus, our Great...
THIS is what I saw in prayer during the first 2020 presidential debate: ...that as President Trump is yielding to the very plan of God, the very purpose of his calling and placment into the office of the president (to help restore America back to her original call and purpose), he is being mantled, continually, by the PRAYERS OF THE EKKLESIA, THE CHURCH, with the anointing of Christ, the anointing of Elijah, in order to defeat Jezebel. The Spirit-filled, Spirit-empowered prayers of the Saints are yielding anointing upon anointing upon anointing as a mantle upon him, THE PRESIDENT, with the very spirit and anointing of Elijah! That anointing releases a supernatural authority and a supernatural ability to destroy the works of the devil.  Those that are not spiritual cannot spiritually discern, and may criticize the tactics and the manner of speech that came forth. But, it was not a verbal war, it was a spiritual war. Satan is the father of lies, and as lies were bein...