THIS is what I saw in prayer during the first 2020 presidential debate:

...that as President Trump is yielding to the very plan of God, the very purpose of his calling and placment into the office of the president (to help restore America back to her original call and purpose), he is being mantled, continually, by the PRAYERS OF THE EKKLESIA, THE CHURCH, with the anointing of Christ, the anointing of Elijah, in order to defeat Jezebel.

The Spirit-filled, Spirit-empowered prayers of the Saints are yielding anointing upon anointing upon anointing as a mantle upon him, THE PRESIDENT, with the very spirit and anointing of Elijah! 

That anointing releases a supernatural authority and a supernatural ability to destroy the works of the devil. 

Those that are not spiritual cannot spiritually discern, and may criticize the tactics and the manner of speech that came forth. But, it was not a verbal war, it was a spiritual war.

Satan is the father of lies, and as lies were being spewed out and mocking spirits were foaming their vile threats, the spirit of Elijah was tearing down every attack!

As the Body of Christ, in their discernment, arises, it is so important to speak confusion into the enemy's camp, just as the Father spoke confusion at the Tower of Babel.

Those whose hearts are not right with God, whose intentions are not right with God and His plans, will be confused if the spirits they are yielding to are brought to confusion and dispersed!

If the believer will rise up in their authority, and speak forth and break the power behind lying words and statements, it shall be done! That is what the Word says: what we bind is bound (Matt. 18:18). 

If we tell mocking spirits to "shut up," in the Name of Jesus, and break their influence off of the ears of the hearers, they will lose their influence over them!  It will be done in Jesus' Name!

Ekklesia, it’s time to rise up! Do not listen to the lies of the devil! We have authority in our place of praying and speaking, in decreeing and declaring in the mighty Name of Jesus! 

This was strongly revealed to me in the Spirit, that in the midst of this tremendous spiritual warfare that is going on right now in the United States of America, the Ekklesia of the Lord Jesus Christ must be fully anointed, full of life, standing in her place of authority, filled with the very anointing of Elijah that is actively working against satan and his demonic strongholds, even the very spirit of Jezebel in this nation!

This is a war for the very soul of America and what she was created and ordained by God for!


Keep your heart right with God, and have NO common ground with the enemy!

Contending For His Glory,

Rev. Helen Utegaard

#PWōC   Pray Without Ceasing!

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