This is what the fruit and truth...

This is what the fruit and truth of preaching and teaching the UN-COMPROMISED Word of God can do! 
You can help a lot more if you believe in prosperity, and have it! I’m thankful to this ministry because countless ones don’t know how much they minister to people and other works and ministries. You can’t minister finances if you don’t believe God's people should have much of it. Stop judging! You don’t know what others, and this ministry, do with the money they receive. But you can find out, if you follow their ministry! You don’t know how much their partners are blessed because of the truth of the Word of God. We are all blessed with faithful Abraham! (Galatians 3:9, 13-16)
The LOVE OF MONEY IS SIN, and there are a lot of people with that sin! And they aren’t all financially well off! So, stop judging another brother or sister! Take care of your own heart and affairs. 
Maybe then, you could use your plane or money to help others! God bless you, and thank you, Brother Copeland! 
-Helen Utegaard


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