We are told by the Lord to watch our words in this new Decade of Difference!
That also goes for people without Jesus!
I have been hearing and seeing this in the Spirit for quite a long time, but recently it has been getting more and more INTENSE!
We are at the point where not only is what comes out of our enemies' mouths an exposure of where they are, their motives, and what they’ve done and are even doing now, but also, what they are speaking over and against others may very well come upon their own lives!
We may very well, now, begin to see that they will bring judgment upon themselves by the very words they speak! Words have the power to also boomerang back on the one who speaks and is guilty themselves!
The Church is to be right with God, full of His light and the life of His Spirit, for then no curse shall be able to touch them, but rather, boomerang back!
"An underserved curse will be power-less to harm you. It may flutter over you like a bird, but it will find no place to land."
(Prov. 26:2 TPT - Footnote: There is an implication in some Hebrew manuscripts that the curse will go back and land on the one who wrongly spoke it, like a bird going back to its nest.)
Church, pray...Watch and Pray!
Keep your heart right with God, and have NO common ground with the enemy!
Contending For His Glory,
Rev. Helen Utegaard
#PWōC Pray Without Ceasing!