An excerpt from, TONGUES: BEYOND THE UPPER ROOM by Kenneth E. Hagin But as more and more of us respond to God's call to pray, there will begin to be greater and greater manifestations of His power and glory on this earth. The manifestation and demonstration of God's Spirit will become as common and as real as everyday natural things are to us. This is what our hearts have longed for and what intercessors have prayed for so many years. God wants us to move out further in the Spirit and learn how to maneuver in that great realm of prayer. As we are faithful to obey His call to pray, the day will come when we move beyond the edge of space-further on out into the Spirit-and reach the fullness of God's glory! I'll tell you this much: Jesus is coming. There is no use splitting hairs about that truth, because it will happen, whether you believe it or not! So let us commit ourselves to praying in the Spirit so a great harvest of souls can be reaped in these last days. People ...